Haversham-cum-Little Linford Parish

Community Defibrillators

Cllr. Lauren Townsend, Cabinet Member for the Public Realm with Nick Lucas, Haversham local resident in front of the first defibrillator to be commissioned, with the support of MK Council Community Infrastructure Fund
On 9th July 2022, two of the three planned defibrillators, for use by the public on victims of sudden cardiac arrest (heart attacks) were installed in our community. The third unit was installed on 28th July.
A defibrillator is a portable machine that automatically sends an electric shock to the heart muscle to return it to its normal rhythm. The devices are accessible 24 hours a day.
Defibrillator Locations:
Little Linford – located on a pole approximately 50 metres from the junction of
Haversham Roadand Little Linford Lane, near to the Royal Mail post box.

Lower Haversham - located in the former payphone kiosk on the High Street,
on the right-hand side of the road (just past the drive to Haversham Sailing Club travelling towards Little Linford). w3w siesta.domestic.comforted
Upper Haversham – located on the railings next to the entrance to Haversham School car park. w3w inflamed.riches.inspected

To ensure that everyone is familiar with all three defibrillator locations – where they are and what they look like, we’ve produced a map of the parish showing the locations in more detail including the associated what3words. So take a minute to share the link with friends and family – anyone who visits the Parish on a regular basis.

The defibrillators are in code locked cabinets and have being registered with the emergency services, who will then show the unit on their equipment maps.
You can also see the locations on the Save a Life app which is available free from the Google Play and iOS app stores.
IMPORTANT: If someone collapses follow the DRS ABCD process see below and stay with the patient.

When you dial 999 the emergency operator will determine whether there is a need for the defibrillator and, if there is someone else available to fetch it. If so, they will direct them to the nearest cabinet and give them the code to open it and access the equipment. At the same time, the operator will alert other Emergency Services as necessary such as a First Responder or an ambulance.
The defibrillator can also detect whether it is being used correctly and will not administer a shock if it is not needed. Don't hesitate to use it if you are directed to do so.
You may find it useful to watch this short video that shows how to perform CPR and use a community defibrillator.
Performing CPR and using a community defibrillator - watch the short video below.
The defibrillators were funded as the result of a very successful fund-raising campaign which received donations from residents right across the Parish. Additional funds were raised via the Parish Council in the form of grants from MK Community Foundation and Milton Keynes Council.
A massive THANK YOU to everyone involved in supporting the provision of this potentially life-saving equipment in our community.