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Parish Magazine

​The Parish Magazine is published every other month, updating residents about what is happening in the village. Is it delivered to all 330+ households across the two settlements of Haversham and Little Linford and it is a cherished community service.


The latest digital copy of the magazine for December/January can be found at this link - Issue 181 by HcLL Parish Magazine 


We are now using ISSUU to publish a flipbook version of our magazine, and we recommend you view in full-screen mode selected by clicking the four arrows symbol at the bottom right of the viewer.




If you would like a PDF download of the magazine it can be found here:


​ISSUU also allows us to publish the previous 4 issues as well as the current one, and to find them at this link - Last 5 Issues of HcLL Parish Magazine​


Please view the Advertising Information Sheet 2024/2025 for publication and copy dates, technical details, rates, payments and contact details by clicking on this link.








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