Haversham-cum-Little Linford Parish
Planning Applications
The Planning Authority which makes decisions on planning applications for our Parish is Milton Keynes City Council ("MKCC") and specifically the Development Control Committee or Panel. Minor decisions, where there is no objection by a Ward Councillor or Parish Council, can be made by the Planning Officer.​
All applications are published on the MKCC website and there is a set period for consultation where statutory consultees, Ward Councillors, Parish Councils and members of the public can comment on applications in support or objection. The Parish Council is considered to be a statutory consultee and all applications are on the published agenda for its meetings. If a resident wishes to give an opinion on a planning application, they may speak at the Open Forum at the beginning of Parish Council meetings.
Any resident/other interested party may object to or support a planning application via the MKCC Planning Public Access site. If you register and create a log in profile, you may also to save your particular search to receive automated email notifications of planning applications. Once you have registered at Registration (milton-keynes.gov.uk) visit the search function Simple Search (milton-keynes.gov.uk) and in the box marked "Enter a keyword, reference number, postcode or single line of an address" type Haversham or Little Linford (or any other area you are interested in) and click on the Search button. Then select “Save Search” and on the following screen click “Yes” to “Notify me via email about new search results”.