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Wheeled bin roll out 2023


Milton Keynes Council's Waste Team will be working directly with ward councillors, parish and town councils in advance of the bin roll out coming in 2023. They have advised that:-

"A survey of all properties in MK has already been undertaken by independent experts at Keep Britain Tidy against set criteria. Over 93% of properties are suitable to receive wheeled bins. If there are any locations in your area that are giving cause for concern against the published criteria on the MKC website Frequently asked questions | Milton Keynes Council ( under the “I don’t have space for wheeled bins” heading" - please let them know.

Wheeled bin walkabouts

"We do already know that for most residents receiving new bins will be a straightforward process, but we recognise there will areas where we will need to do more to help. In the first instance, can you share these locations with the waste team at

There may be some areas that have structural or community issues that we would need to be aware of to help you and our residents have a positive experience. Following an initial assessment, we can then decide If it would be helpful for your area to have a walkabout with the waste team, ward councillors and representatives from your parish and town council.

We have a dedicated section of our website and some Frequently Asked Questions New waste collection service for 2023 | Milton Keynes Council ( We will continue to update this webpage in the run up to the wheeled bin roll out."


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